Monday, January 5, 2015

Greek Dressing!

Yum!!! Loving me some Danielle Walker's Greek Dressing!

1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
2 tsp red wine vinegar
2 cloves garlic crushed into paste
1 TSP chopped fresh oregano leaves
1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
Pinch of sea salt
Pinch of cracked black pepper
1/2 cup EVOO

Mix all together with a whisk and store up to a week.

It is awesome. Never going store bought again!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Curiouser and Curiouser

Well I would have to say my bday party/graduation/open house was a success. I had a wonderful Alice in wonderland party. The saying in my life because I like to dabble was always, "if you don't know where you're going, you'll probably end up some where else", this also went well with the quote from Alice, "I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then." 

Oh and I forgot to mention since last we have spoken my friends I have moved, so I now have a new home. Which I love so much and am happy with it, but things will need to change of course so don't worry project folders I will have some soon! 

However as far as food goes for the party, i know i promised cookies but.... I ran out of time, so mini red velvet cupcakes from the store happened, but I did make my costume!! Hope you enjoy the picture. Until next time! 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

I'm back!!

Okay everyone, I know this was a super long stay away, but in my defense I was finishing my masters!!! Yeah now to job hunt... Boo!
However, in the mean time and with the beautiful summer months apron us, I can get back to cooking and decorating, the things I love!!! So, look for my new post on my Saturday. Alice in Wonderland inspired eat me cookies!! Wish me luck!!

It's good to be back!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Holy vegan chocolate Batman!

Okay so I found my whole 30 chocolate fix!!! Yummy!! It seriously taste like a brownie. It's called Raw Vegan Brownie found this recipe so easy so yummy, get ready to knock your socks off! 

1/4 cup pure coco powder
1 cup almonds
1 cup raisins

Put in food processor blend till it makes a dough about 2 mins. There u have it!!! 

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Okay so day one went alright, I went to bed feeling I needed a cookie or something sweet ever so badly but upon waking I feel a little more entergetic. Yesterdy my run down on food. I had all organic stuff, first I just made plain cage free orangic eggs with sea salt and course ground pepper using a non stick butter flovered spray and had an organic apple. I really wasn't hungry until Lucy but when I became hungry I was starving.

For lunch I had again all organic, spinch leaf lettuce, mushrooms, carrotts, cucumbers, and oinion. Mixed with pepper and a drizzle of evoo. It was good and suprisingly filling.

Now supper time I was famished and made grilled shrimp. I prob ate mire than I should have but it was yummy.
Recipe: 1/4 cup of coconut oil
1/4 cup lemon juice
About a handful of fresh cilantro
3 cloves of garlic grated
A pound of shrimp

I mixed it all together and it it sit in aluminum foil for about 15 mins then wrpped it up and grilled it about 10 mins.

It was amazing!!!!! Also I squezzed fresh lemon it when it was done, yum!

Then I had to have a late snack so I made it rasperries. All in all though I think day one went pretty good. Wish me luck today though ekk!!! Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Whole 30

Okay Bloggers, tomorrow I start the Whole 30 diet. It's not that I need to diet, luckily I've lost all my last baby fat, but it's more a clean eating type thing I'm going for. I'm not really big on red meats, never have been, so I figure this is something more up my alley cause you don't have to have a certain amount of red meats or anything like that. This basically is to cleanse your body of all the sugar it's been storing and start over to live clean and live happy!! So wish me luck, I'll try to do a weekly if not more overview of the foods I'm consuming and how my body reacts to the dreadful caffeine, sugary with drawls, Oh Gods help me!! Oh and I'm actually going to try to exercise with this you know on a regular basis, not so much like a oh I'm going to get up tomorrow at 5 and then don't work out for a week ha!! Well I'm off. I'll see you tomorrow for an update, have a great night!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Back to School Back seat trouble!

So this morning was my oldest daughters first day of school, pre-k, I know not awesome like kindergarten but she's stoked! So am I! So all morning she's so excited to be going to school, we take her sister to the sitter and drop her off she tells everyone goodbye and we head out. On the 15 min drive to school she starts getting nervous and telling me that her stomach hurts and she wants to go home. Of course like the good mom I am I call my mom to talk her down lol. (My mom is a teacher and deals with nervous school kids every year). So my mum talks to her and she seems great. So I pull into the parking lot of the school and I turn around to ask her if she's read and she throws up! Fanflipintastic!!!! Luckily being as smooth as I am I scream don't get it on your clothes, cause that's what I should be worried about :/ (She didn't, thank the Gods)! After that she's fine and she walks into the school and is ready for me to leave. Am I silly for crying on the way home? She offered me brave powers so I wouldn't cry lol. Oh how I love her and how fast she is growing up. So today I want to say Happy First Day to my little girl and that mommy loves you, and thanks for making me have to scub the floor when I thought I had a day off lol!!