Thursday, August 22, 2013

Back to School Back seat trouble!

So this morning was my oldest daughters first day of school, pre-k, I know not awesome like kindergarten but she's stoked! So am I! So all morning she's so excited to be going to school, we take her sister to the sitter and drop her off she tells everyone goodbye and we head out. On the 15 min drive to school she starts getting nervous and telling me that her stomach hurts and she wants to go home. Of course like the good mom I am I call my mom to talk her down lol. (My mom is a teacher and deals with nervous school kids every year). So my mum talks to her and she seems great. So I pull into the parking lot of the school and I turn around to ask her if she's read and she throws up! Fanflipintastic!!!! Luckily being as smooth as I am I scream don't get it on your clothes, cause that's what I should be worried about :/ (She didn't, thank the Gods)! After that she's fine and she walks into the school and is ready for me to leave. Am I silly for crying on the way home? She offered me brave powers so I wouldn't cry lol. Oh how I love her and how fast she is growing up. So today I want to say Happy First Day to my little girl and that mommy loves you, and thanks for making me have to scub the floor when I thought I had a day off lol!!


  1. How sweet is that?! She just had a nervous stomach. Love her!!

  2. Well, coming from someone who throws up before every big event.......that is perfectly normal.
