Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Whole 30

Okay Bloggers, tomorrow I start the Whole 30 diet. It's not that I need to diet, luckily I've lost all my last baby fat, but it's more a clean eating type thing I'm going for. I'm not really big on red meats, never have been, so I figure this is something more up my alley cause you don't have to have a certain amount of red meats or anything like that. This basically is to cleanse your body of all the sugar it's been storing and start over to live clean and live happy!! So wish me luck, I'll try to do a weekly if not more overview of the foods I'm consuming and how my body reacts to the dreadful caffeine, sugary with drawls, Oh Gods help me!! Oh and I'm actually going to try to exercise with this you know on a regular basis, not so much like a oh I'm going to get up tomorrow at 5 and then don't work out for a week ha!! Well I'm off. I'll see you tomorrow for an update, have a great night!

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